Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Still Counting...

I had my weekly Dr appointment today - not much has changed... still dilated only about 1 cm.

As if I hadn't had enough fun in the Dr's office, I fell (hard) in the parking lot on my way out to the car! I was walking down the sidewalk, then stepped off onto the parking lot toward my car, but what I didn't realize was that I was stepping on to a slanted part where the gutter is (it's hard to see around this big'ol'belly), so my right ankle buckled causing me to fall (more like fly) forward, landing on my knees then my hands (meanwhile my cell phone went flying out of my hands several feet on to the pavement, but was ok after all that). I scraped up my left knee pretty good, and I'm sure I'll be feeling the ankle and the hand and whatever else later, but no harm to the baby (as far as I know...). Once I gathered my bearings, my main concern became getting to the car quickly and with as much dignity as possible! I know people had to have seen me, but no one said anything or offered to help (probably because I picked myself up so fast). I thought Eric was going to give me a hard time about being more careful and being a clutz, etc, but he was really just concerned and sympathetic (more for the baby, than me, I'm sure, but I'll take it - lol!).

The baby must have thought she went on a roller coaster ride, because she was active on the drive home!

Well, that's about it for now - due date is only 2 weeks away!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

1 cm and counting...

We are less than 3 weeks from our due date, which really just means she could come at any time she wants! ;o) We had our weekly appointment last Wednesday, and the doc says I'm about 1 cm dilated.

I figured I might be starting to dilate, because I had what I think are contractions the Saturday before... they weren't the kind of contractions I imagined, and I'm pretty sure they're not anything like the REAL ones I'll feel when I go into labor, but they weren't exactly fun, either! 'Kinda makes me more panicky about this whole labor and delivery thing!

She has definitely dropped and is getting ready to make her debut into this world. The doc figured she was probably already around 7 lbs - yikes! (She was measuring 5 lbs, 3 oz at the last ultrasound about 4 weeks ago). 2 weeks ago, she grew significantly, because my belly jumped in size and all the late term symptoms started to hit - the waddling, the pain in my back and hips when walking, the struggle of getting up and down, the not sleeping through the night very well, the perma-puff feet... ya know - all the fun stuff! ;o)

And why didn't anyone tell me how PAINFUL the exams are?! OUCH! And to think I have to do one every week until she's born! To use a phrase my daddy says, "'makes the tears wanna run down both legs!" - lol!

While I'm really excited and anxious for her to be here, I'm getting more and more anxious about the actual process of bringing her into this world, and then all the fun after-math I'll be going through for a while after she's here!

Oh, and talk about hormones and emotions - I don't even know where to go on that one! I don't believe Eric realizes how good he has it, because I really do refrain from outwardly projecting a lot of my outbursts and whatnot, which is more of a struggle for me than he realizes... I suppose any kind of "refrain" will go right out the window once labor starts (so, be prepared, my dear husband)! ;o) For the most part, he has been really good throughout this pregnancy - more than I would have expected, considering this is a first for both of us!

Well, I realize this post isn't quite like my other ones, so I'll just chalk it up to being my "panic post". It'll be good for posterity, right? ;o)

P.S. More belly shots to come - we took some last night, but haven't unloaded them yet...

Just the 2 of us...

Photos by Maria Mitchem
Dated 9/18/06
Taken in our backyard in
San Antonio, TX