Monday, July 28, 2008

You asked for 'em...

Here are some pics from July (you can click on the images to view larger):




Friday, July 11, 2008

1 Month

Our apologies to everyone for not posting anything in a while... people aren't kidding when they say having a baby changes EVERYTHING!

Erica Grace is a little over 1 month old, and at her 1 month checkup on 7/9/08 (almost a week after 1 month), she measured 20 3/4 in, and weighed 10 lbs exactly! She is a growing girl! Prior to that, at her 2 week checkup, she was 20 in and 8 lbs 6 oz.

The time has flown by way too fast, as we are 5 weeks in to her life outside the womb... it's a bittersweet experience, because while I'm anxious for her to sleep longer (especially at night) and have more personality (aside from sleeping, crying, eating, and pooping), I'm a little sad knowing how much she has changed already and so quickly, and I think I'll miss the newness of her...

Today might have been a milestone, because I think she smiled at me for the first time when I was talking to her, without it being related to gas or falling asleep... She is a really strong baby, too. Even when she was newly born, she was climbing up mine or Eric's chest and lifting her head pretty well, and her arms and legs give us a challenge when she's resisting! She and her daddy play a climbing game before feeding, where she climbs/pushes herself up his chest 1 or 2 times and bobs her head looking for food - lol!

Everyday now, she seems to look different, and her personality is starting to show a little (more)...

It's been nice to have some family around. In addition to Nana and Papa Newman (who live here in SA), our sister-in-law (on the Newman side), Angel and her 2 boys came in from VA, and will be here most of the summer, staying at the Grandparents' house. Nana Anne and Auntie Angel have been a great help and a relief at times, and we really appreciate them. The boys, Jonathan and Benjamin are excited about their new "girl" cousin, and are really good with Little Erica. 2 of my sisters, Ann Marie and Donna, came in for a few days last week, along with my little niece, Megan. It was so good to be around my sisters again, and laugh and carry on - it was a nice break to have them here and help out, I only wish it could have been longer... Megan was awesome with Little Erica (more so than I could have expected) and will make a great babysitter and mom when she gets older!

It's going to be a while before we get back to AZ (or anywhere else for that matter), but we hope to see other friends and family members before Erica reaches kindergarten - ha ha! We're tentatively thinking next summer or sometime, but we'll see... Of course, y'all can come on out here, ya know - there's lots to see and do - just ask my sisters!

I'm halfway through my maternity leave already... :o( I know taking care of the baby is priority #1 and should be all that matters, but I can't help but feel like I'm not getting anything done... I really had no idea how hard and restricting having a newborn would be, but it's getting better (even the sleep!). She's actually started to sleep longer at night (not much longer, except on a rare occasion), but she still keeps me busy feeding her during the day.

The dogs are still adjusting to our new addition, unfortunately it's not working out as well as we had hoped for... Cooper has become an outside dog during the day as a result, and Zip feels like he has to bark and/or whimper at every little noise the baby makes whenever she is in her swing, bouncy chair, stroller, playpen, etc. (basically anytime she's not being held or not in her bassinet). They are a work in progress...

Well, I think I've rambled on long enough in this novel, and I'm sure I'll think of other stuff later, but I wanted to give an update, due to popular demand (heh heh)!

We've taken TONS of pictures, of course, so we'll work on getting some of them posted as well...

Just the 2 of us...

Photos by Maria Mitchem
Dated 9/18/06
Taken in our backyard in
San Antonio, TX