Thursday, August 25, 2011

Long time, no write...

Well, sitting here on the night of our birthday (mine and Eric's) and it's been almost 3 years since either of us have written any posts for this blog, but a good friend, Melissa Bates, inspired me to get back into it, so here goes...

A lot has changed in the last 3 years - most, if not all, of you know what's been going on in our lives, but for the sake of posterity, I'm going to re-cap...

I left my job at USAA to stay at home with Little E, in May of 2009, when she was not quite 1 year old. My department was requiring me to return back to work full-time, and there weren't acceptable transfer options for me to stay part-time, so after praying and thinking about it, E and I decided maybe it was time for me to stay home, and that maybe this was God's way of pushing me out the door (otherwise, I probably wouldn't have left without being fired or forced to... lol)!

It's been a struggle, financially/emotionally/physically/etc, but we're surviving and figuring things out. I work VERY part-time from home, grading Medical Certification tests for E's employer. I also started my own Mary Kay business a few months back, so I'm excited about the possibilities there! While there are some drawbacks and certain things I miss about working for USAA (the income, benefits, and time away), being home has allowed me/us to do a lot of things that I/we wouldn't have been able to if I were still working.

Eric changed jobs in December of 2008, which has been a good opportunity and experience, for the most part. They seem to really appreciate him and have been very flexible and accommodating with him, especially after baby #2 was born.

As indicated by the previous statement, we've added a new member to our family - Christopher was born January 4th, 2011! He was born big, and 7 months later he's STILL big - lol! I'll write a separate post about him and his arrival another time, but he is such a happy baby and so cute and so fun. Lately, he's all over the place - he recently figured out the crawling, then went right into pulling himself up and standing, and now starting "cruising" (taking steps while hold on to furniture, etc). I can't hold him much anymore because not only is he so big and heavy, but he reaches for and grabs and wants to get into EVERYTHING! My mother-in-law said it best - "he's all boy"!

Erica turned 3 in June, and she is just growing up so much! It's exciting, yet sad... She is potty-trained now, and does really well, even at night (but we're still using Pull-ups at bedtime for now, just in case)! Her imagination has started to blossom, and her personality is becoming more and more evident. We are thinking about and working on some pre-school concepts, because she is getting closer to school age, so that's been interesting. I call her "my little actress" because she is so dramatic and says the darndest things and has the funniest impressions/mannerisms!

In June/July of 2009, we were able to go back to AZ for a Merkley Sibling/Family Reunion (another benefit of me not working), and now we are looking forward to another one next June! I created a photobook of it, which I'll share on here sometime.

Last year was not such a good year for my side of the family, but it was also a year of miracles... My eldest brother John(ny) passed away end of June, after losing his battle with prostate cancer that had metastasized into his bones and organs. He had just turned 52 the month before. But, in his death, miracles in our family took place - my siblings reconnected with our brother Russ(ell) after years of misunderstandings and anger and whatever, and we are becoming "whole" as a family again (at least we remaining siblings). I went out to AZ for the funeral (taking Erica with me) and stayed there for a month. That was the first time all of my family were together since my wedding in 2004!

Around that same time, my niece, Cami (my eldest sister's daughter), was diagnosed with spinal cancer and brain tumors (which was metastasization of the breast cancer previously had several years earlier). This time around, we women in the family decided to support her by putting "pink" in our hair! That caught on, and quite a few people that knew Cami, or her family, did the same thing! The power of prayer and pink was evident when in October, she was surprisingly cleared of the spinal cancer, then in March (I may have the timeframes and info wrong), the brain tumors were "virtually gone"! Unfortunately, she is having some concerning issues, which we are waiting to find out more on, so we just keep praying...

My pregnancy last year was stressful - we didn't have maternity coverage on our over-priced healthcare plan, so we didn't know how we would pay for the OB visits and delivery, and I spent a lot of time applying for aid or whatever, but God provided, as He continually does... After my return from AZ, I had the triple-screen pregnancy blood test done, and it came back "positive" for possible Down Syndrome. Initially, it was a shock, but thanks to the love and support of our family and friends, we were okay with whatever the outcome would be. Once again, God had a plan, and we were blessed with a healthy baby boy! (Although, we would've been blessed either way).

We are down to 1 dog - Cooper (our JRT). Zip (our Blue Heeler) passed away in March of 2009, at 12 years old. He was a unique dog, and will always be missed. We had already lost my dog, Pepper, at approximately 17 years of age, just before/around when I got pregnant with Erica. Cooper will be 10 years old in November - hard to believe! That crazy dog sure has come a loooooooooong way - lol! He is surprisingly good with Erica now - they are "best friends" - and also with Christopher - not at all like he used to be!

I guess that's the important stuff in a nutshell - all in all, we've been challenged and blessed! I hope to keep up on this blog, and look forward to it... I know this post is long, but it was 3 years worth of stuff, so cut me some slack... lol!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A few firsts

'3 months and almost 2 weeks, since our lives significantly changed. I know we are long overdue for posting updates on Erica, so hopefully this will help make up for it (a friend of mine from high school has 6-month-old quadruplets and I swear she posts on her blog every other day or something!).

Well, I started back to work, part-time, the last week of August (8/25). My department was generous enough to give me a "temporary" part-time schedule, which will hopefully give me time to find a permanent one, but in a different department. It's really nice only being at work for 4 hours a day - it goes by fairly quickly, for now. I think Lil Erica and I both went through some adjustment, but I think we are starting to get somewhat of a routine down. I work 3pm-7pm, so Nana Newman watches her a couple of hours before Eric gets home. She is sleeping through the night now, so that's a big help (in fact, now she goes anywhere from 8 to 12 hours) - however, my problem (at least since I started working again) is not getting to bed before 1 or 2am, but I'm hoping to get better at that (and I recently have started to, for the most part). In the beginning, it didn't bother me as much to go to work (I think because I was just ready to get out of the house everyday), but now it does, and I'm sad to leave her...

Erica has had a few "firsts" in the last few weeks: she found her thumb a few weekends ago, which I wasn't sure if I liked at first, but now I realize it really is a lifesaver for me (especially at night) because she can soothe herself; she has started talking a lot (aka babbling, gurgling, squealing, etc.) and smiling a lot more (especially while she's on the changing table, or when she's near the end of a nursing); she has started rolling over from her tummy to her back (which she started while I was at work, so I missed that at first, but caught it on video a couple of times, later that week); she has started to be able to successfully grab things (not consistently, but it's a start); and she follows objects REAL well with her eyes - especially Mommy and Daddy. Erica is really showing more and more of her personality, and yet I'm sure this is ONLY the tip of the iceberg - lol! She's always been a pretty strong baby, but she can stand and hold just about all her weight on her legs, while one of us holds her hands to steady her! She holds her head up pretty well now, and isn't nearly as wobbly, but the girl sure is a wiggle-worm!

We've also had her on a couple of "outings" that we avoided before, such as: the mall, the restaurant (outside on the patio, though), the park...

Even from the beginning, Daddy Eric can't wait to hold her when he comes home. Most nights, he and Baby Erica go for a 1-2 mile walk around the neighborhood, and he reads to her at home, when time permits. The current selection is a book of the classic Winnie-the-Pooh tales, which are rather funny, I must say...

We don't see the Pediatrician again for another couple of weeks. Her last appointment was at 2 months, and she was just a few ounces shy of 12 pounds! She's still a butterball, and just keeps getting bigger, so we're curious to see what she weighs at 4 months! I think she's jumped in length lately, too, because some of the clothes she was wearing recently are suddenly too short for her. She can still wear some of the 0-3 mo clothes, but we're having to get into the 3-6 mo clothes, too (and even then, some of them are questionable - lol!).

And now, a moment of honesty: I think I'm really falling in love with her now! Don't get me wrong - I've always LOVED my baby, but I think I was so consumed with false expectations, exhaustion, hormones, and emotions in the beginning, that I couldn't feel the way about her then as I do now... Does that make sense? Now, there are times when I can't get enough of her...

Monday, July 28, 2008

You asked for 'em...

Here are some pics from July (you can click on the images to view larger):




Friday, July 11, 2008

1 Month

Our apologies to everyone for not posting anything in a while... people aren't kidding when they say having a baby changes EVERYTHING!

Erica Grace is a little over 1 month old, and at her 1 month checkup on 7/9/08 (almost a week after 1 month), she measured 20 3/4 in, and weighed 10 lbs exactly! She is a growing girl! Prior to that, at her 2 week checkup, she was 20 in and 8 lbs 6 oz.

The time has flown by way too fast, as we are 5 weeks in to her life outside the womb... it's a bittersweet experience, because while I'm anxious for her to sleep longer (especially at night) and have more personality (aside from sleeping, crying, eating, and pooping), I'm a little sad knowing how much she has changed already and so quickly, and I think I'll miss the newness of her...

Today might have been a milestone, because I think she smiled at me for the first time when I was talking to her, without it being related to gas or falling asleep... She is a really strong baby, too. Even when she was newly born, she was climbing up mine or Eric's chest and lifting her head pretty well, and her arms and legs give us a challenge when she's resisting! She and her daddy play a climbing game before feeding, where she climbs/pushes herself up his chest 1 or 2 times and bobs her head looking for food - lol!

Everyday now, she seems to look different, and her personality is starting to show a little (more)...

It's been nice to have some family around. In addition to Nana and Papa Newman (who live here in SA), our sister-in-law (on the Newman side), Angel and her 2 boys came in from VA, and will be here most of the summer, staying at the Grandparents' house. Nana Anne and Auntie Angel have been a great help and a relief at times, and we really appreciate them. The boys, Jonathan and Benjamin are excited about their new "girl" cousin, and are really good with Little Erica. 2 of my sisters, Ann Marie and Donna, came in for a few days last week, along with my little niece, Megan. It was so good to be around my sisters again, and laugh and carry on - it was a nice break to have them here and help out, I only wish it could have been longer... Megan was awesome with Little Erica (more so than I could have expected) and will make a great babysitter and mom when she gets older!

It's going to be a while before we get back to AZ (or anywhere else for that matter), but we hope to see other friends and family members before Erica reaches kindergarten - ha ha! We're tentatively thinking next summer or sometime, but we'll see... Of course, y'all can come on out here, ya know - there's lots to see and do - just ask my sisters!

I'm halfway through my maternity leave already... :o( I know taking care of the baby is priority #1 and should be all that matters, but I can't help but feel like I'm not getting anything done... I really had no idea how hard and restricting having a newborn would be, but it's getting better (even the sleep!). She's actually started to sleep longer at night (not much longer, except on a rare occasion), but she still keeps me busy feeding her during the day.

The dogs are still adjusting to our new addition, unfortunately it's not working out as well as we had hoped for... Cooper has become an outside dog during the day as a result, and Zip feels like he has to bark and/or whimper at every little noise the baby makes whenever she is in her swing, bouncy chair, stroller, playpen, etc. (basically anytime she's not being held or not in her bassinet). They are a work in progress...

Well, I think I've rambled on long enough in this novel, and I'm sure I'll think of other stuff later, but I wanted to give an update, due to popular demand (heh heh)!

We've taken TONS of pictures, of course, so we'll work on getting some of them posted as well...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Erica Grace Newman (cont'd)

Erica Grace made her grand entrance into this world weighing in at 7 lbs 10 oz, 19 3/4" long!

As I stated earlier, we were scheduled to induce on Saturday, the 7th, but she decided to come on her own terms and was born ON her due date, June 5th, at 5:56pm!

I'd been to the Dr for my weekly exam the day before, and he said she was ready then, and that she could come as early as that night, especially after having that last exam.

Everything felt fine that night, and I went to bed, fully expecting to get up in the morning to go to work, and finish out the week, before the induction. Well, I woke up around 1:15am or so, went to the bathroom, and I felt a painful pressure down below, and after I went back to bed, I started having what I thought might be bad gas pains, but the pain was in my back, also. As they progressed, I wondered if they might actually be contractions, but I still didn't think it was actual labor. I realize now, they were actually contractions, to be followed be real labor. They were not that bad, and were sporadic in time apart and intensity, so I let Eric sleep and waited to see how they went. Obviously, they were enough to keep me awake the rest of the night.

After Eric woke up around 6:00am, I told him he probably shouldn't go in to work just yet, and that we should probably go to the hospital, at least to get checked out (even though I still wasn't sure this was the real deal). I called my Dr, who seemed to think it probably wasn't true labor, either, but he told me to time them and if they become "unbearable" and/or consistent, to go ahead to the hospital. So, we didn't go right away, but we each took a shower and got dressed and whatnot, then relaxed on the recliners timing the contractions and measuring the intensity, and snoozing in between.

The contractions were getting to be around 6-8 minutes apart, but were changing in intensity, so it was still hard to tell. Eric was going to head in to work after all, because he thought it might be false labor, too, after reading some things on the internet, but then we decided to go for a drive, do a dry run to the hospital, and then maybe go walk around a mall or something.

We made it to the hospital and even went back to the house to get his cell phone chargers (we took our hospital bags with us, just in case), and decided to go back to the hospital to get checked because the contractions were exactly 5 minutes apart - on the dot! I felt fine in between, and the contractions were still somewhat bearable, but I wanted to be sure. We got there at around 10:00am, and I expected to be sent home after observation, but after they hooked me up to the monitors, and entered all of our info, etc, my contractions were becoming worse and more regular - sometimes 2 or 3 minutes apart, so the staff admitted me and told me I was in labor!

My OB showed up and checked me, but I still was only dilated about 2 cm, so that was disappointing. The contractions started getting worse, and eventually painfully "unbearable", but I didn't know if I should get the epidural yet, or not. The nurse checked me again at that point, and I was dilated to 4 cm, so I decided it was time for that epi! Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long, because the anesthesiologist came within a few minutes to administer the epidural, and it was sweet bliss for a while... even the process wasn't as bad as I expected, and it kicked in fairly quickly.

The next time I was checked, I was dilated to 6 cm, so my Dr broke my water - what a strange experience THAT was - not painful, just strange! Eventually, I started getting REALLY hard contractions that were REALLY painful even WITH the epidural! So, I was given a supplemental type of epi, which didn't kick in until about an hour later! But then, it was heaven because I couldn't feel a thing! According to the monitors, I was having really strong contractions but I didn't feel any of them at that point. I was concerned that might make delivery harder, because I couldn't even move or feel my legs (and apparently my left side took to it more than my right).

Well, my Dr came back at around 5:15pm, and when he checked me, I was fully dilated to 10 cm - it was time!

The nurse (who was awesome, by the way) walked Eric and I through the pushing part and expectations, and then we started to push while the Dr was getting ready, then once he was, we pushed for another 4 or 5 rounds - I've never been so exhausted in my entire life! Because of the numbness, I couldn't tell how effective I was being, and I didn't know how much more I could do, but apparently I was doing enough, because within 30 minutes, or so, of starting to push, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!

The next couple of days at the hospital were rough, considering the drastic change in our sleep cycles and adjustments and the hospital being so busy, we didn't get a postpartum room until the 2nd day, and various other things...

But through this all, we have started to adjust, and we have a blessing in our lives to show for it, and I have to say that I do not know what I would do without my wonderful husband! He has really stepped up to the plate (and then some) and has exceeded my expectations and has really gotten a lot of things down like a pro! Some of you guys might accuse him of "making you look bad", but if that's the case, then that just means that y'all need to step up, too! (I say that in the most loving way, of course... lol!). I truly am blessed to have him as my husband!

So, that was probably a lot more info than some of you wanted, but there it is... The labor and delivery went comparatively faster and easier than I ever expected (but not without pain or issues), and we are happily adjusting to this new (and exhausting) life!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Erica Grace Newman

This will be a short posting. Marilyn will fill in all the details later. I just wanted everyone to know that she is finally here and we are sooo happy! It is a little surreal, but we are getting used to the idea of being parents.

Marilyn is such a great mom already. She was great with delivery and she has been great with breastfeeding. She is really tired and will probably be that way for awhile. I am sure she will make time to post about the whole experience.

Marilyn has been showing me the ropes of burping and changing so I can do my part, but she is really doing all the hard stuff. Breastfeeding is difficult, but we think the advantages are worth the effort. So far, so good.

Thanks again to everyone for the prayers and support. I have posted a few pictures for your amusement.

"She truly is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!" -Dad

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Baby's ETA update

Finally an update worth posting on the blog... We are scheduled to induce this Saturday! (Provided she doesn't decide to make her debut earlier...)

Originally, we were scheduled to induce on the 10th (next Tuesday) if she still hadn't come, but at my Dr's appointment today, we mentioned it would be cool if she was born on Saturday, so that her birthday would be 06-07-08 (those of you who know how OCD I am with numbers and patterns, shouldn't be surprised - lol)! The doc asked us if we were serious about wanting her to be born Saturday, because she is ready to come any time now, and he could bump the induction up (plus he said weekends aren't as busy as weekdays). So, we discussed the pros and cons of induction vs. natural, and decided to go for it!

Wow - it's starting to seem more REAL now! It's hard to believe she could actually be here w/in a couple of days! We are very excited, but very nervous, too, as we are trying to make sure we tie up any loose ends...

I'm sure I won't be sleeping much the next couple of nights, anticipating the adventure to come! On one hand, it's nice to know when it's going to happen (or at least when it's going to happen by), so we can plan, but on the other hand, it's scary to know when it's going to happen, considering what I'll be going through to bring her into this world...

Fortunately, I haven't been having any contractions (that I know of) or false labor leading up to this, and I've been blessed with a pretty good pregnancy, for the most part, so hopefully the trend will continue through the labor and delivery - heh heh!

Well, wish us luck, and keep us in your thoughts and prayers! We'll keep y'all posted (whether you like it or not - lol!).

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Still Counting...

I had my weekly Dr appointment today - not much has changed... still dilated only about 1 cm.

As if I hadn't had enough fun in the Dr's office, I fell (hard) in the parking lot on my way out to the car! I was walking down the sidewalk, then stepped off onto the parking lot toward my car, but what I didn't realize was that I was stepping on to a slanted part where the gutter is (it's hard to see around this big'ol'belly), so my right ankle buckled causing me to fall (more like fly) forward, landing on my knees then my hands (meanwhile my cell phone went flying out of my hands several feet on to the pavement, but was ok after all that). I scraped up my left knee pretty good, and I'm sure I'll be feeling the ankle and the hand and whatever else later, but no harm to the baby (as far as I know...). Once I gathered my bearings, my main concern became getting to the car quickly and with as much dignity as possible! I know people had to have seen me, but no one said anything or offered to help (probably because I picked myself up so fast). I thought Eric was going to give me a hard time about being more careful and being a clutz, etc, but he was really just concerned and sympathetic (more for the baby, than me, I'm sure, but I'll take it - lol!).

The baby must have thought she went on a roller coaster ride, because she was active on the drive home!

Well, that's about it for now - due date is only 2 weeks away!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

1 cm and counting...

We are less than 3 weeks from our due date, which really just means she could come at any time she wants! ;o) We had our weekly appointment last Wednesday, and the doc says I'm about 1 cm dilated.

I figured I might be starting to dilate, because I had what I think are contractions the Saturday before... they weren't the kind of contractions I imagined, and I'm pretty sure they're not anything like the REAL ones I'll feel when I go into labor, but they weren't exactly fun, either! 'Kinda makes me more panicky about this whole labor and delivery thing!

She has definitely dropped and is getting ready to make her debut into this world. The doc figured she was probably already around 7 lbs - yikes! (She was measuring 5 lbs, 3 oz at the last ultrasound about 4 weeks ago). 2 weeks ago, she grew significantly, because my belly jumped in size and all the late term symptoms started to hit - the waddling, the pain in my back and hips when walking, the struggle of getting up and down, the not sleeping through the night very well, the perma-puff feet... ya know - all the fun stuff! ;o)

And why didn't anyone tell me how PAINFUL the exams are?! OUCH! And to think I have to do one every week until she's born! To use a phrase my daddy says, "'makes the tears wanna run down both legs!" - lol!

While I'm really excited and anxious for her to be here, I'm getting more and more anxious about the actual process of bringing her into this world, and then all the fun after-math I'll be going through for a while after she's here!

Oh, and talk about hormones and emotions - I don't even know where to go on that one! I don't believe Eric realizes how good he has it, because I really do refrain from outwardly projecting a lot of my outbursts and whatnot, which is more of a struggle for me than he realizes... I suppose any kind of "refrain" will go right out the window once labor starts (so, be prepared, my dear husband)! ;o) For the most part, he has been really good throughout this pregnancy - more than I would have expected, considering this is a first for both of us!

Well, I realize this post isn't quite like my other ones, so I'll just chalk it up to being my "panic post". It'll be good for posterity, right? ;o)

P.S. More belly shots to come - we took some last night, but haven't unloaded them yet...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sky Diving, Anyone?

I have only been once, but it is vivid in my mind. At first it is an adrenalin rush, free falling with the wind in your face. Then the canopy opens and it is so peaceful. Just floating there so high above the earth. The green fields below look like little squares on a giant blanket. It is like hanging in the air, motionless. There is no sense of falling at all. When you are 3,000 feet up, it doesn't seem like the earth is getting any closer. And then you see the green square that you are trying to land on. Before you know it, the ground is rushing up at you so fast, you wonder if your canopy is even working right! Within a few seconds you realize it is time to do whatever it is that the instructor guy told you to do right before you hit the ground!

If you haven't figured it out yet, this is also what it feels like to have a child. At first it is so exciting to find out your going to be a parent. The wind rushes as you imagine all the things you need to do to get prepared. Then the canopy opens and you just float along buying stuff and taking classes and reading books.

Well, right now i am looking right at that green square that we are supposed to land on. As we get closer to Marilyn's due date, time seems to be speeding up. I know that Einstein would disagree, but perception is reality, right?

The ground is rushing up at me faster and faster. I only hope that i can remember all the things we are supposed to do right before we hit the ground. (Mostly, i am just praying for a soft and healthy landing.) Just thinking about that drive to the hospital increases my heart rate considerably. I imagine the entire experience will give me a whole new meaning of the phrase adrenalin rush.

Marilyn had another sonogram last week. It looks like the baby has turned over and is heading the right direction. The doc says that she may be a week further along than we originally thought! (The ground is even closer than i thought.)

It seems like yesterday we had 2 or 3 months left to prepare and today we are only 4 or 5 weeks away. I wish i could squint real hard like that guy on "Heroes" and make time stop so we could get everything just right. But we have prepared as well as we know how and we have prayed for God's will in our lives.

The next post you see might just be accompanied by newborn pictures. We probably won't have much time to post, since we are busy wrapping up all the preparations.

Thanks to everyone for their support, advice and gifts for our little one. Special thanks to Donna for the written account of how Marilyn and I met from the perspective of our little girl (i almost cried.....almost) and to Amber for hosting an awesome baby shower complete with games, killer cake and lots of laughter.

Off we go, into the wild blue yonder.......

Just the 2 of us...

Photos by Maria Mitchem
Dated 9/18/06
Taken in our backyard in
San Antonio, TX