Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby Peanut

So, the last several weeks, I'd been really tired/fatigued and super-scatter-brained and just not feeling my greatest, but I figured it was my job that was the cause, as it was REALLY stressful, along with getting over Pepper's death, etc.

Well, I wasn't sure exactly which week I was supposed to have my cycle, but I figured again it was stress when I didn't have it during the couple of weeks I thought I was due. Eric and I went to Virginia for a week (to visit his brother, David, and his family), and still nothing, so I suspected either I was pregnant or something else was wrong.

We came back from VA, and I wasn't feeling well, but I took jet-lag into consideration there, too. I decided it had been long enough and I had enough symptoms, I had better take a pregnancy test the next morning.

So, I did... half expecting it to turn out negative as always, it started turning positive right away! I panicked, thinking "I'm not ready! I'm not ready! I'm not ready!". Still in shock, I started wondering how I was going to tell Eric. I ended up not going to work, as I was too preoccupied and still not feeling well.

I looked online for some ideas, and took a couple of'em and went shopping at several stores, not finding what I wanted, so I improvised.

Eric got home from work earlier than I expected, but he was going to go play basketball, which bought me more time. I made a quick dinner and cleaned up, then let him shower and eat and relax after coming home from playing.

I had him pause the TV show that was on, and I brought the dogs into the computer room to get them ready, then brought out a little gift bag to him while the dogs stayed in the room. Inside the gift bag was a tubular travel toothbrush holder that had the 2 test sticks I had taken that day in it, with pink/yellow/blue curly ribbons attached and a small card. On the front I'd written, "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Make yourself comfortable, a Surprise awaits you". Inside I wrote, "I'm sure you are anxious, and probably w/out a clue, but once it's revealed, the question will turn into:", then on the bottom part I wrote in the corresponding colors "PINK or BLUE", and taped a flap of paper over that part to not give it away so quickly.

I had stayed by the door to the room where Zip and Cooper were, at the end of the hall, and Eric said, "Why are standing over there?", and I said, "because the dogs have a presentation!".
Eric was still somewhat confused after reading the card, as I brought the dogs out, and we were both laughing because it was all so dorky and improvised. Cooper was wearing a Onesie-T that I'd written on the back: "Makin' Room...", and on the front: "For BABY!" (I added a carrot ^ and "a REAL" after the word "For"). Zip was wearing a ribbon collar with 2 pacifiers hanging from it. I had to prop Cooper up standing on his legs for Eric to read the back, then I flipped him around so he could read the front.

Apparently, Eric had a couple of different ideas what this was all about during that short time, and he started thinking, "Well, I know the DOG's not pregnant... Oh no - she got a puppy!!), but it didn't take long to figure out what I was really getting at! We were both laughing yet nervous, and he was all, "Really?" and "are you kidding me?" and all he could really say for the 1st 5 minutes was, "Wow", several times. He was smiling but still stunned, and I had sat down next to him letting him digest it, and he held my hand and we both sat there taking it in.

So, we are both happy and excited, yet scared and anxious/nervous! It wasn't really planned, but we trust the Lord that the timing was right, otherwise if it were left up to us (ie. Eric), we wouldn't never have tried for it.

Lots to think about, and we are hoping and praying everything goes well, and that we will be able to accept whatever happens, and trust that it will all work out!

Eric is hoping for a promotion at work, that he had started trying for a few weeks ago, so we are praying that he gets it along w/an acceptable salary to support us when I'm either working part-time (if at all) after the baby is born. If not, he is going to start looking elsewhere for employment.

My 1st Dr.'s appointment is Wednesday, October 24th, so I can't wait - it seems so far away! It seems that all my symptoms amplified immediately after learning I was pregnant - as if my body said, "Ok, she knows now - bring it on!". It's been bearable, and not TOO bad, yet... *knock on wood*. Just extremely drained and feeling cruddy and queasy...

Well, that's it (once again, I didn't intend it to be that long). We appreciate everyone's love, support, and prayers so far, and would ask for it continue - especially for the job situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just leaving a comment on my own post to be able to tell people how to do it...

Just the 2 of us...

Photos by Maria Mitchem
Dated 9/18/06
Taken in our backyard in
San Antonio, TX