Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Baby's ETA update

Finally an update worth posting on the blog... We are scheduled to induce this Saturday! (Provided she doesn't decide to make her debut earlier...)

Originally, we were scheduled to induce on the 10th (next Tuesday) if she still hadn't come, but at my Dr's appointment today, we mentioned it would be cool if she was born on Saturday, so that her birthday would be 06-07-08 (those of you who know how OCD I am with numbers and patterns, shouldn't be surprised - lol)! The doc asked us if we were serious about wanting her to be born Saturday, because she is ready to come any time now, and he could bump the induction up (plus he said weekends aren't as busy as weekdays). So, we discussed the pros and cons of induction vs. natural, and decided to go for it!

Wow - it's starting to seem more REAL now! It's hard to believe she could actually be here w/in a couple of days! We are very excited, but very nervous, too, as we are trying to make sure we tie up any loose ends...

I'm sure I won't be sleeping much the next couple of nights, anticipating the adventure to come! On one hand, it's nice to know when it's going to happen (or at least when it's going to happen by), so we can plan, but on the other hand, it's scary to know when it's going to happen, considering what I'll be going through to bring her into this world...

Fortunately, I haven't been having any contractions (that I know of) or false labor leading up to this, and I've been blessed with a pretty good pregnancy, for the most part, so hopefully the trend will continue through the labor and delivery - heh heh!

Well, wish us luck, and keep us in your thoughts and prayers! We'll keep y'all posted (whether you like it or not - lol!).

1 comment:

Our 3 Monkees said...

I can't wait for the next update to see the pictures and hear your story. Good luck, and Congratulations.

Just the 2 of us...

Photos by Maria Mitchem
Dated 9/18/06
Taken in our backyard in
San Antonio, TX