Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sky Diving, Anyone?

I have only been once, but it is vivid in my mind. At first it is an adrenalin rush, free falling with the wind in your face. Then the canopy opens and it is so peaceful. Just floating there so high above the earth. The green fields below look like little squares on a giant blanket. It is like hanging in the air, motionless. There is no sense of falling at all. When you are 3,000 feet up, it doesn't seem like the earth is getting any closer. And then you see the green square that you are trying to land on. Before you know it, the ground is rushing up at you so fast, you wonder if your canopy is even working right! Within a few seconds you realize it is time to do whatever it is that the instructor guy told you to do right before you hit the ground!

If you haven't figured it out yet, this is also what it feels like to have a child. At first it is so exciting to find out your going to be a parent. The wind rushes as you imagine all the things you need to do to get prepared. Then the canopy opens and you just float along buying stuff and taking classes and reading books.

Well, right now i am looking right at that green square that we are supposed to land on. As we get closer to Marilyn's due date, time seems to be speeding up. I know that Einstein would disagree, but perception is reality, right?

The ground is rushing up at me faster and faster. I only hope that i can remember all the things we are supposed to do right before we hit the ground. (Mostly, i am just praying for a soft and healthy landing.) Just thinking about that drive to the hospital increases my heart rate considerably. I imagine the entire experience will give me a whole new meaning of the phrase adrenalin rush.

Marilyn had another sonogram last week. It looks like the baby has turned over and is heading the right direction. The doc says that she may be a week further along than we originally thought! (The ground is even closer than i thought.)

It seems like yesterday we had 2 or 3 months left to prepare and today we are only 4 or 5 weeks away. I wish i could squint real hard like that guy on "Heroes" and make time stop so we could get everything just right. But we have prepared as well as we know how and we have prayed for God's will in our lives.

The next post you see might just be accompanied by newborn pictures. We probably won't have much time to post, since we are busy wrapping up all the preparations.

Thanks to everyone for their support, advice and gifts for our little one. Special thanks to Donna for the written account of how Marilyn and I met from the perspective of our little girl (i almost cried.....almost) and to Amber for hosting an awesome baby shower complete with games, killer cake and lots of laughter.

Off we go, into the wild blue yonder.......

1 comment:

Our 3 Monkees said...

FIrst off, I know first hand that feeling you are describing, from both sky diving and the anticipation for your new arrival. We will look forward to seeing the pictures of your new baby girl. I know it may be a while before you get a "post" up but somehow you have to let us know when your princess arives. We love you guys. Happy Labor delivery.

Just the 2 of us...

Photos by Maria Mitchem
Dated 9/18/06
Taken in our backyard in
San Antonio, TX